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Right Revenue Selects Revenue Academy as provider of revenue management online training to scale knowledge throughout hotel client base

May 28, 2024 7:29 pm | Revenue Academy, Revenue Management | 0 comments

In our quest to make revenue management knowledge accessible for all, we are delighted to announce that we have partnered with Right Revenue, the leading revenue management software solution, to provide their customers with an accessible and affordable way to foster a revenue management culture throughout their organisations. We spoke to Right Revenue’s Founder and CEO,  Adrienne Hanna, one of the most ardent and recognised champions of revenue management education within the industry, about the collaboration and what she hopes this will mean for her hotel partners.  

Adrienne, could you please tell us a bit more about the nature of the partnership and what this means for users of Right Revenue technology?

All those who know me know that I have been a long-time champion of the importance of revenue management education for all departments and passionate about the importance of breaking down departmental silos if we are to optimise commercial performance. While we have made inroads with this, for many, there is still a basic lack of understanding of the fundamental revenue drivers within organisations outside of the revenue department. Sitting alongside our software solution, I was keen to provide our hotel partners with a cost-effective and accessible way to promote revenue management education and knowledge to all departments within their organisation. Our partnership with Revenue Academy allows our hotels a user-friendly and accessible way to provide teams with the tools to develop their revenue management knowledge at their own pace.

Why did you choose the Revenue Academy?

For me, Revenue Academy ticked a lot of boxes. We have some amazing revenue management professionals within our industry with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the most advanced and sophisticated revenue management principles. However, there is a big knowledge gap, where many of those who don’t work within the RM function have a limited understanding of why pricing and commercial decisions are made. I wanted to provide our hotels with a way for departments, be that front office, reservations, sales, marketing, finance, or operations, to develop their understanding of the key principles of revenue management and help make informed contributions to commercial decisions. 

Revenue Academy provides precisely that – bite-sized, interactive, and accessible modules covering all aspects of revenue management that can be completed at the student’s own pace.  

Ally is a trusted and well-respected figure within the industry, and we are very much aligned on our mission to develop revenue management understanding across all departments. I was confident in the high quality of the learning material and was therefore happy to endorse this to the hotels we work with. Thankfully, the partnership has been exceptionally well received with hotels seeing the value of building revenue management knowledge across their teams.

What do you hope your hotels will get out of the course?

From a commercial perspective, an increased understanding of revenue management throughout the organisation will lead to more informed and robust commercial decisions, ultimately supporting revenue and profitability growth. It will fuel more collaborative decision-making, which will help break down the silos I spoke about, promoting greater teamwork and more harmonious working relationships.

We also hope that as revenue management knowledge grows, there will be greater engagement with our software solution from all departments with an increased understanding of what the reports and metrics mean, allowing hotels to unlock the full value of the system. 

Also, we are all fully aware of the recruitment challenges within our industry and the importance of professional development. We know that investment in training and development helps with staff retention. So we hope that this will support hotels in retaining staff, creating stable teams, and open up potential new career paths for those who typically had not considered revenue management a career.

Our partnership with Right Revenue is just one example of the way Revenue Academy is advancing revenue management education throughout the sector. Hotels, technology companies and suppliers within the hospitality ecosystem are all seeing the commercial benefits that result from making revenue management knowledge available and accessible for all.  Contact us now to discuss how we can support your revenue management training needs.


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